Five frog-like extraterrestrial troops from Planet Keron make up the Keroro Platoon. Every time they attempt to conquer "Pekopon," as they refer to "Earth," they fall short. Sergeant Keroro, their lea...

7.70 7.69 452

Yuri Shibuya witnesses his friend Ken Murata being bullied as he travels home from school. Murata flees when Yuri steps in, making Yuri their new target. He is dragged into the women's restroom and sh...

7.90 7.65 445

The protagonist of Dan Doh!! is Tadamichi Aoba, a fifth-grader who goes by the nickname Dandoh. The finest players on their baseball team, Dandoh and his two buddies are now learning about golf after ...

7.30 6.67 474

Danny Phantom, a popular animated series, follows the adventures of a teenage boy who is half-ghost. He uses his ghostly abilities to protect his town and the world from other ghostly threats while ke...

7.20 112

High school might be a chance for a new beginning for some people. You can enroll in new courses and meet new people. However, high school means something else to Souichiro Nagi and Bob Makihara: the ...

6.90 6.89 379

Takeru Takemoto is a high school student who moonlights as a motorcycle courier. He stumbled into a jungle after seeing a weird light pass him while making one of his deliveries. What he discovered wa...

6.10 6.72 370

For some people, high school represents the opportunity for a fresh start. You can take new classes and make new friends. For Souichiro Nagi and Bob Makihara, though, high school means something diffe...

6.90 6.89 463

Koshiro Saeki, who is 27 years old and lives with his father Zenzo, is rejected by his girlfriend of two years, Shoko, who says she found someone else because he was too cold. The next morning, he fin...

7.50 7.07 381

In an effort to stop a demonic resurrection, the Sanzo Ikkou keeps moving westward. Internal conflict impedes Genjo Sanzo, Cho Hakkai, Sha Gojyo, and Son Goku as they struggle to achieve their objecti...

7.60 7.39 430

The inhabitants of Mars have a difficult time surviving. Food costs more money and is valued more highly as the economy gets worse. While Gram and his buddies do their best, they find themselves on th...

7.40 7.16 457

The unnamed main character has been having strange dreams, seeing strange things, and meeting strange people. He investigates these events and finds a strange girl named Aya. With her help, he discove...

6.41 344