Plot Summary: Higurashi Kagome, after being pulled down a well by a demon, finds herself in Feudal Japan, where she learns that a powerful jewel has been reborn inside her body. After the jewel shatte...

7.90 7.85 514

Dr. Komyoji creates Jiro, a robot, but a tragic explosion occurs. Dr. Komyoji's children, Mitsuko and Masaru, search for their missing father. Jiro wanders aimlessly until he meets Mitsuko, who teache...

6.00 6.80 96

In every episode, a wizard named Bubonic and his aunt, a witch named Tyrannia, must wreak havoc on the city in which they live or suffer a severe punishment from their supervisor, Maledictus Maggot. T...

6.30 7.70 44

Ginger Foutley, a junior high school student, navigates the challenges of social life and friendship. With her friends Darren, Dodie, and Macie, she strives to overcome her geeky image and resolve con...

8.00 7.30 103

The residents of Shinjuku are struggling in the year 1947. Some turn to gambling in order to survive when they don't have enough money to buy food or other needs. When Tetsuya is on the road, he prefe...

7.53 428

Harry most certainly isn't your typical American teen. Instead, he embodies what is meant by a "alienated youngster"; he lacks friends at school, is incredibly strange, and is so anxious that he becom...

6.00 6.17 406

The planet has been overrun by aliens for some years in the year 2059. Dr. Noguchi and his assistants Maki Agata and Tukuto Kenishiro strive to revive the professor's experiment, a gigantic Bio-Mechan...

6.60 6.77 459

Pelswick is an animated series that follows the life of a teenage boy who uses a wheelchair. The show highlights his normal everyday experiences and is based on books by John Callahan. It aired on Nic...

6.40 6.40 59

Ippo Makunouchi, a quiet high school student who was often assisting his mother in managing their family's fishing charter business, struggled to establish friends. Because he was reclusive, a gang of...

8.80 8.75 515

Shuichi Shindou, an aspiring musician, and his band, Bad Luck, are central to the narrative (formed with his best friend Hiroshi Nakano, who is on guitar). Shuichi aspires to succeed Ryuichi Sakuma, t...

7.10 6.95 365

One day, six different colored lights soared away from the scene of a shiny object that had landed from space and caught fire. A young woman with blue hair was stumbling along the beach on the other s...

7.10 7.16 574