"Beyblade" is an anime series based on the line of spinning-top toys of the same name. The series follows the journey of Tyson Granger (Takao Kinomiya in the Japanese version), a passionate and talent...

6.80 6.74 449

Thirteen-year-old Tyson Granger (Takao Kinomiya) aspires to be the best Beyblader in the world, along with his colleagues Kai Hiwatari, Max Tate (Max Mizuhura), and Ray Kon (Rei Kon). The Bladebreaker...

6.80 6.75 461

The pre-order bonus for Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave is Tales of Gekijou. Sunrise made a set of five quick animations for it. In the New Year Special on BS-TBS, episodes 1 and 2 were broadcast. ...

5.90 6.20 425

With a sizable arsenal of armed Zoids, orbital platforms supported by their own launch facilities, and orbital-based weapons systems, the Zoid Battle Commission appears to be a serious force on Planet...

7.40 7.32 429

Bill and Ben are two playful flowerpot men who enjoy games and having fun in their garden while the gardener is away. In their adventures, they interact with a delightful cast of friends, including We...

7.90 7.60 52

The first episode of **Robot Chicken** premiered on February 20, 2005, at midnight EST on Adult Swim, with the first season concluding on July 18, 2005. The second season began on April 2, 2006, and w...

7.90 7.30 47

Adult Swim announced its new programming slate for 2006 at the Adult Swim Upfront event in New York. New series include Death Clock Metalocalypse, Frisky Dingo, Assy McGee, Saul of the Mole Men, and...

6.00 7.60 114

Before the "Free Magilla" episode, the creators of *Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law* made a short 10-minute parody of the 1960s cartoon series, titled *Busy Day for Birdman*....

7.50 6.10 110

Chuck Bird follows the adventures of Chuck Adoodledoo, a lively bird with the extraordinary ability to transform into various forms using unique objects such as the Golden Egg and Nixogear. Each trans...


Years after the Reptilian Empire was vanquished, the Getter Team has started practicing with a new super robot called Neo Getter Robo. However, a sudden attack by the resurrected head of the Empire co...

7.40 7.03 415

An untitled pitch pilot for the series was produced, but wasn't aired on television, but was later released on the Season 1 DVD. Prior to Sealab 2021 becoming a fully developed series (and the creatio...

7.20 7.80 47

The Brak Show is a whimsical sitcom centered around a neighborhood and a family, exploring the comedic ups and downs that arise when adults have children who attend school. The series features Brak, t...

6.80 6.40 61