The Demon Slayer Corps has dispatched one of its best to eliminate what can only be a demon responsible for a series of inexplicable disappearances on a certain train after becoming aware of the incid...

8.20 8.39 496

Futaba Igarashi, a lanky office worker who frequently gets mistaken for a youngster, gripes about her large and loud coworker Harumi Takeda all the time. However, Futaba's acquaintances and coworkers ...

7.40 7.66 420

At a certain trading company, saleswoman Futaba Igarashi has managed to hold her respectable job for almost two years thanks to the guidance of her senior coworker—Harumi Takeda. However, due to Iga...

7.40 7.64 437

Everything in Neo Kyoto is chosen via the "Build Divide" card game. Success in Build Divide translates to success in life, from settling interpersonal problems to deciding societal position. Every pla...

6.70 6.39 501

The Demon Slayer Corps has dispatched one of its best to eliminate what can only be a demon responsible for a suspicious run of disappearances on a particular train. A smaller demon, who is harassing ...

8.20 8.38 447

A self-described optimist after losing the use of his right hand in the same vehicle accident that killed his mother, Tamahiko Shima now lives alone in the mountains of Chiba. He has been exiled since...

7.10 7.78 460

Will awakens to the faces of a skeleton, a ghost, and a mummy after being born into a new world following a life of inactivity. The three raise Will as one of their own while residing in the ruins of ...

6.80 6.85 459

Will awakens to the faces of a skeleton, a ghost, and a mummy after being born into a new world following a life of inactivity. The three raise Will as one of their own while residing in the ruins of ...

6.70 6.85 413

Takato Saijou and Junta Azumaya, Japan's most attractive co-stars, are set to perform together in a play featuring a flamenco showdown. However, Junta's natural talent and lineage give him an edge, wh...

7.63 7.70 177

Vampires have been around for a very long time, and they are ruled by the Scarlet Moon. Every year, "Visual Prison," a visual kei contest, takes place. The Scarlet Moon bestows enormous power upon the...

7.10 6.68 404

Tsukasa Mizugaki, who is 18 years old, failed his college admission examinations, but with a little help, he is able to get a job at the Sion Artificial Intelligence Corporation. The "Giftias"—highl...

6.10 6.09 519

This is a story of a 12-year-old girl, Kanna, born as a descendant of the Gods. Her family has a mission to deliver offerings from all over Japan to the Gods’ gathering in Izumo. Although Kanna’s ...

5.90 5.80 77