The BETA, an alien race that invaded Earth in 1973, have been the target of a desperate, three-decade-long conflict. In the midst of this mayhem, Takeru Shirogane, a high school student, abruptly awak...

5.40 5.75 431

Shouko Komi has already attained the position of Madonna at the elite Itan Private High School on her first day there. She stands tall and elegant, attracting the attention of everyone she encounters ...

7.80 7.99 430

In the vast "Labyrinth," which is located deep down, people are grouped together and called "colonies." The surface has gradually faded into obscurity over time, and to those who have never witnessed ...

6.10 6.52 312

In the vast "Labyrinth," which is located deep down, people are grouped together and called "colonies." The surface has gradually faded into obscurity over time, and to those who have never witnessed ...

6.10 6.52 448

Shoko Komi quickly experiences an enormous increase in popularity on her first day of classes at the exclusive Itan Private High School as a result of the unrivaled stoic beauty and refined elegance h...

7.80 8.01 424

Since the introduction of the D2s, an invasive species that sprang from a black meteorite that crashed to Earth, the United States of America has been in complete disarray. To stop more deaths brought...

6.90 7.16 437

The most lethal assassin in history had vowed eternal allegiance to the group that had reared him. But in spite of his loyalty, that very group acts to suppress him, which finally results in his death...

7.40 7.38 406

A brave and great explorer fantasizes about...launching a pharmacy? Red originally belonged to the Hero's Party, an elite team tasked with defending the world from Taraxon, the Raging Demon Lord, and ...

6.70 6.95 730

Third-year junior high schooler Manaka Mizusawa is tasked by her teacher to put a poster up about a trial ice hockey class sponsored by the Dream Monkeys, their city's local professional team. Interes...

6.20 6.28 425

The most lethal assassin in history had vowed eternal allegiance to the group that had reared him. But in spite of his loyalty, that very group acts to suppress him, which finally results in his death...

7.30 7.37 438

One day, a man posing as a deity hacks the intercoms of a certain school and commands all of its kids to band together and get ready to travel to another world. They will receive unique training there...

6.20 6.20 409

contemporary post-war Japan is split into four military zones, each of which is governed by a rival nation vying for total dominance. Despite the fact that the Boundary War, which was fought with the ...

6.30 6.32 460