A bunch of aliens with plans to conquer Earth invade Tokyo one day. Momoko, who desires to become an idol, participates in the subsequent altercation in an unexpected way. King of the alien empire War...

4.90 3.47 403

With the aid of a force of formidable creatures known as Saiarks and Choiarks, Queen Mirage, the malevolent ruler of the Phantom Empire, launches her invasion of Earth. Pretty Cures are sent out throu...

7.60 6.81 399

"Little Busters!: EX" is an eight-episode Original Video Animation (OVA) series that acts as a spin-off to the main "Little Busters!" series. The OVAs introduce and elaborate on the storylines of thre...

7.40 7.71 377

The idols of 765 Production are determined to achieve their dreams. They have faced many challenges but remain committed to their goals. Now, they are focusing on strengthening their bonds and working...

7.51 7.61 209

Middle school student Inari Fushimi has a number of flaws, including being awkward, having a mediocre intellect, and being exceedingly bashful. She always gets into trouble, but she also always has a ...

6.80 7.20 475

Takeru continues his education at Tenbi Academy as part of the newly formed Security Committee. As a team with the other members, they battle unscrupulous individuals who use their Maken for evil purp...

6.20 7.90 65

"Maken-Ki! Two" is the second season of the "Maken-Ki! Battling Venus" anime series. The story continues to follow the adventures of Takeru Ooyama at Tenbi Academy, a high school where the students wi...

6.14 446

The largest city in Japan's northern Tohoku region, Sendai, is home to the small production business Green Leaves Entertainment. Before its final client left, the firm used to handle the careers of ma...

6.50 6.99 354

The World's Oldest-And Deadliest-Grudge Match Comes To An End! Superstars Jeph Loeb (TV's Heroes) and Simone Bianchi (Astonishing X-Men) team up for the biggest*best and*quite possibly*last battle bet...

6.30 6.80 57

In Tokyo in 2018, magicians and people coexist. Police still maintain social order, but wizards known as Wud are tried in special tribunals under the Magic Prohibition Law and are defended by wizard a...

6.40 6.18 416

The story is set in Tokyo in 2018, where ordinary people and people who have magical abilities coexist. As a result, utilizing magic is prohibited by law, and cases involving magic use are heard in a ...

6.40 6.17 394

Chozen follows the journey of its titular character, a gay white rapper who has just been released from prison. Determined to reclaim his place as a leading figure in the rap scene, Chozen uses his un...

6.40 254