After a series of catastrophic magical wars come to a close in 2199, humanity eagerly awaits the start of the new century. There are rumors that Ragna the Bloodedge, an SS-class rebel with the biggest...

5.70 6.10 477

During the Second World War, the Japanese once employed the potent strategy of onmyoudou magic to get the upper hand and build their country as a strong force. But once the revered onmyouji Yakou Tsuc...

7.30 7.45 348

"Tsuki ni Naku" will take the story content from volume 11 of the manga, which features a visit to a onsen by the members of the Hiizumi Life Councelling Office, while the town's police force have to ...

7.47 342

Sakamichi Onoda is an upbeat otaku who is eager to join the anime club at his new school in order to meet new people. Unfortunately, the group has been abandoned, so he decides to resurrect it by recr...

7.70 7.77 273

When Hotaru Ichijou relocates with her family to the remote Asahigaoka village from Tokyo, her way of life undergoes a radical transformation. Regardless of grade level, all five children in her new s...

7.80 7.94 337

The extreme impacts of global warming have raised sea levels in the year 2039, leading to a significant loss of land. A fleet of formidable warships with cutting-edge weaponry appears to ensure mankin...

7.20 7.36 456

The creation of "Machinart," machine magic that could give life and intelligence to mechanical dolls afterwards referred to as "automaton," coincided with the establishment of the Walpurgis Royal Acad...

6.70 7.07 486

"Meganebu!" is a slice-of-life, comedy anime series that aired in 2013. The title is a portmanteau of "megane" (glasses) and "club", reflecting the show's central theme. The series revolves around ...

5.60 6.26 368

In a modest Inari Shinto shrine to the God Ukanomitama, Makoto Saeki's father is a shrine priest. She gained an uncommon talent known as The Sight when her mother passed away when she was 4 years old,...

7.40 7.17 361

The story, which takes place at Winford Academy in the historic community of Helen's Hill, is all about knights and the jousting sport. Students are taught how to ride horses, joust, and become knight...

6.20 6.32 344

(English: Unbreakable Machine-Doll) In an alternate history version of the United Kingdom in the early 20th century, scientists created a mixture of technology and sorcery called Machinart, circuits ...

6.80 6.60 67

Due to the popularity of the Mobile Suit Gundam series in the 1980s, a period of economic boom known as the Gunpla Boom was brought on by the sales of model kits for the Gundam vehicle. Years later, f...

7.30 7.74 405