"Double Circle" is a web anime series produced by Toshiba in collaboration with several other companies, released in 2013. The anime is centered around the concept of "energy," and it's set in Kawa...

3.20 4.83 425

The short is set in a KDDI R&D facility where researchers are developing a phone that can call the future when something unexpected happens while they are using it. ...

6.03 473

The Smith family, which consists of Jerry and Beth, their daughters Summer and Morty, and Beth's father, Rick Sanchez, who stays with them as a guest, is the focus of the show. The family resides outs...

9.10 8.80 674

In this whimsical tale, a not-so-brave knight named Sir Cowardly sets out on an unlikely quest for eternal fame and fortune. According to ancient legend, to achieve his dreams, he must first rescue a ...

6.20 212

In this film, Motoko Kusanagi, now free from her duties with the 501 Organization, must adjust to taking orders from Aramaki. A mysterious hacker targets the Logicomas, and Batou recruits Ishikawa, a ...

7.39 7.48 142

The main character of Hidamari Sketch is a young girl named Yuno who, after much waiting, is finally accepted into Yamabuki Art High School. Yuno relocates and begins residing at the Hidamari Apartmen...

7.80 8.06 428

At midnight, a hidden hour known as the Dark Hour emerges—an hour most people are oblivious to. Those who aren't trapped in coffins during this time, and who find themselves awake, face dangerous cr...

7.26 7.53 182

“GOLAN THE INSATIABLE” is the story of a mighty godlord from an alternate universe who arrives in the small town of Oak Grove, where his only friend is a 10-year-old goth girl named DYLAN. Togethe...

7.70 7.00 58

The stand-up comedy of New York-based identical twins – and television newcomers – Kenny and Keith Lucas (The Lucas Brothers) gets animated. After their uncle dies and leaves them his old van, the...

7.80 7.30 59

In a strange lawsuit, Akihito Kanbara finds himself in court and up against an unexpected jury. Mirai Kuriyama, Mitsuki Nase, and Sakura Inami are guided by Ai Shindou to present damaging evidence and...

7.20 6.56 404

Barry Ponds longs to realize his African aspirations. To begin his new life, he enrols in a college that only accepts brown bears. He doesn't know what his dream is yet, but he hopes to follow it and ...

8.50 260

Patema is a plucky young girl from an underground civilization boasting an incredible network of tunnels. Inspired by a friend that mysteriously went missing, she is often reprimanded due to her const...

6.78 7.96 124