In the GA Art Design Class at Ayanoi Academy, five girls—Kisaragi, Miyabi, Tomokane, Namiko, and Miki—learn graphic design, art methods, among other things. The narrative follows both their day-to...

6.40 7.13 522

"Kanamemo" is a slice-of-life, comedy anime series based on the manga of the same name by Shoko Iwami. The story centers around Kana Nakamachi, a 13-year-old girl who, after losing her grandmother,...

6.60 6.85 394

Following the events of R-16, Aika is now 19 years old, making her 3 years older than in R-16 and 7 years younger than in Agent AIKa. An academy for girls has been experiencing strange occurrences. Th...

6.00 5.87 434

Teppei Arima is introduced to the wealthy and affluent society by his grandfather after an automobile tragedy results in the death of his parents. Isshin Arima's opulent lifestyle astounds and impress...

6.00 6.70 438

The peculiar instructor of the much stranger Class 2-F is still Nozomu Itoshiki. Every time he tries to teach his kids about the terrible parts of society and the world, he is met with a new set of ch...

7.70 7.87 401

Shibuya was devastated by a biological terrorist strike utilizing the deadly Ua virus two years ago. Maria Osawa was vaccinated against the virus by her father, saving her life, but the shock has left...

6.80 7.23 325

A significant amount of earth sank in the Mediterranean Sea in 2029. Oxygen, carbon, gold, molybdenum, and cobalt were among the chemical elements that abruptly vanished from the earth's crust. In 60 ...

7.50 6.59 467

Koyomi Araragi, a third-year high school girl, is helped by Meme Oshino, a peculiar man living in an abandoned building, to survive a vampire attack. Despite being freed from vampirism and being a nor...

8.00 8.34 389

There are only a few male baseball teams in Japan in 1925 (year 14 of the Taisho era), and baseball is still not very well recognized there. 14-year-old Akiko asks her friend Koume to form a baseball ...

7.10 7.37 422

The beginning date of this anime is unknown, however it takes place 50 years after World War III. Where Tokyo once stood, the conflict has left a crater that is now covered with toxic rubble. This are...

6.60 7.24 329

Akira Okudaira, an incoming high school student at Fujigaya Girls Academy, reconnects with her childhood friend Fumi Manjme at the beginning of Sweet Blue Flowers after a ten-year absence. Fumi is a s...

7.00 7.11 431

Umineko no Naku Koro ni, the third book in the wildly successful When They Cry series, is set on the island of Rokkenjima, which is owned by the obscenely affluent Ushiromiya family. Every year, the e...

6.40 7.06 463