"Dogs: Bullets & Carnage" is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Shirow Miwa. It was adapted into a two-episode original video animation (OVA) series in 2009. The story is set in a d...

6.80 7.32 417

In August of 1995, Mikiya Kokutou encounters a young woman named Shiki Ryougi, who is dressed in a kimono. When he discovers they attend the same school, he tries to befriend her. Despite her unconven...

7.32 7.54 253

Your dearest wish can come true at the odd Yuuko's shop for the right payment. Kimihiro Watanuki works for Yuuko doing anything she needs him to do, from cleaning to running errands to even helping ou...

7.60 8.05 361

A parody series including The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya's whole cast in a scaled-down format. Yuki now plays eroge, Haruhi is louder and more annoying than ever, Mikuru is more sensitive than ever...

7.80 7.47 416

An anime adaptation of the 4-panel strip manga release: Nyoron Churuya-san. Based on Suzumiya Haruhi’s energetic and ‘always up to go’ character, Tsuruya. Churuya is a girl with a strong passion...

5.50 6.50 426

High school student Juu Juuzawa is a troublemaker who just wants to be left alone. Ame Ochibana approaches him one day and offers to be his "knight," claiming to have known him in a prior existence. J...

6.90 7.52 444

Love Momozono, a 14-year-old Yotsuba Junior High School student, chooses to pursue a career in dancing after attending a performance by the renowned Trinity dance company on her own dime. She begins h...

8.20 7.37 452

In this intense continuation of Afro's journey, we see him grapple with the consequences of his past and the weight of vengeance. Afro, known for his artistic skill in crafting wooden sculptures of hi...

7.10 200

In a futuristic but also Feudal world, it is known as the one who becomes No.1 will be the ruler of everything. On this dark world, Only the No.2 is allowed to fight the No.1. Our pratagonist, Afro Sa...

7.10 7.34 611

Germany did not anticipate that North Italy and Japan would be his sole steadfast allies in a turbulent era of World Wars and general concern for the future. Even though it is a progeny of the once-po...

7.30 7.29 393

The setting of Strawberry Marshmallow, according to the manga, is Japan's Hamamatsu. As the characters engage in numerous customary seasonal activities, the seasons are significant to Strawberry Marsh...

7.70 7.68 293

The story begins with a mysterious explosion at the Xavier mansion, targeting telepaths like Professor X and Jean Grey. This event leads to the disbandment of the X-Men team due to the trauma and loss...

8.00 86