Iron Man: Armored Adventures is a 3D animated series based on the Marvel Comics superhero Iron Man. It premiered in 2009 and follows the adventures of Tony Stark, who becomes Iron Man. The series is p...

6.50 107

This time, Batman isn't fighting alone. The most recent iteration of the legendary Batman franchise is from Warner Bros. Animation. Our cape-wearing hero teams up with DC Universe heroes to bring you ...

7.30 351

As a spin-off of Frisky Dingo, The Xtacles is set in the same fictional universe, primarily focusing on the Xtacles' flying aircraft carrier, the Xcalibur. With no other heroes available for various r...

6.30 7.30 57

Ankama Animation created a French-language cartoon show based on the game Dofus.The show was animated with Adobe Flash; all the production was done in France except for episode 22 "Rubilax" and the sp...

7.00 7.90 35

Aya Iseshima is walking home from school when she comes across two girls fighting viciously for something dubbed the "Platonic Heart." Aya, who is a martial arts expert herself, steps in to break up t...

4.40 4.61 436

In Cars cartoons, Mater often recounts tales from his past. These stories usually involve him getting into trouble. When McQueen doubts the truthfulness of these stories, Mater insists that McQueen wa...

6.80 163

When ten-year old Coop Burtonburger’s spoiled 8-year-old sister Millie (who turns 9 in season 2 and would turn 10 in season 3), brings home a mysterious stray cat, Coop's idyllic life is turned upsi...

6.30 6.20 52

The second MS igLoo revisits the first one and relates the tale of the troops of the Federation who must battle the terrifying Zakus. In each episode, a separate member of the federation struggles val...

5.70 6.62 440

Both Kai Etou and Haru Kurabayashi are fresh to their positions as criminal investigators at the Narcotics Control Department of the Bureau of Health and Welfare. Kai, a 22-year-old weak but kind man,...

6.88 325

Nozomu Itoshiki, the pessimistic high school teacher at the center of Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei, tries to hang himself at the very start of the show. He is saved by a youngster named Kafuka Fuura who ...

7.80 7.82 426

The criminal Michiko Malandro escapes from Diamandra's prison in a fictional South American nation and kidnaps Hana Morenos, whom she calls "Hatchin," sparing the child from her harsh foster parents. ...

7.50 7.84 446

A man dressed as an odd bird comes across several egg-shaped stones that burrow into the ground in a desolate desert. After pausing to appreciate a flower, one stone turns into a heart, which the bird...

7.00 7.18 388