Chuggington is a charming animated series centered around six young anthropomorphic locomotives—Koko, Wilson, Brewster, Hoot, Toot, and Piper—collectively known as "Trainees." Set in the vibrant f...

5.90 236

The tale is set in Victorian-era Britain and centers on the exploits of Lydia Carlton, a 17-year-old known as the "Fairy Doctor" for her knowledge and fascination with fairies. When she encounters Edg...

6.60 7.22 804

"The Life & Times of Tim" is an animated series that follows the misadventures of a young man named Tim, who constantly struggles to get ahead in life. Despite being an average guy who tries to make t...

7.00 6.30 45

Toppa Bashin, an enthusiastic and thrill-seeking sixth grader, is focused solely on the card game Battle Spirits. To the dismay of his peers, Bashin enters school every day with excitement—not for a...

6.35 502

The television program is based on a comic strip of the same name and features Joe Larsen, his wife Liz, their three children—Tracy, Zelda, and Nicholas—and their family dog, Bob. The show's humor...

7.70 294

A genius inventor's world threatens to fly apart at the seams. His son, who has electricity crackling through his veins due to an accident in his father's laboratory, discovers the truth about his fat...

5.05 193

Meet the Animal Mechanicals - Rex, Unicorn, Komodo, Sasquatch and Mouse. The Animal Mechanicals team explores fantastic worlds, complete cool quests, and work together to solve puzzles. Each Animal Me...

7.90 6.50 59

Welcome to Fun Fest, the annual talent competition for the funniest comic strip in Cartoon World. As you can probably guess, a certain lasagna-loving, tubby tabby wins it every year. So why should thi...

4.03 164

Utopia More becomes the target of the vicious Gypsy Doc of the Pirate Guild when she unearths an ancient document that contains the key to uncovering the mysteries of the cosmos. The laid-back yet ren...

6.86 479

Even though the Black Rebellion was put down a year ago, the conflict continues as the Black Knights try to reclaim their lost power and the Holy Empire of Britannia tries to spread its influence over...

5.90 7.07 367

In 1998, Tomoe Enjou accidentally kills two people in a new apartment complex. He escapes, but the police don't pursue him and there's no news about the crime. Shiki Ryougi helps Tomoe and lets him st...

8.32 8.52 173

OVA episodes that are included with the 23–25 manga volume limited edition. The first episode covers manga chapters 176 and 177. Chapters 178–180 of the second episode will be covered. Chapters 18...

7.41 473