Scientists discover that a group of comets will enter the Solar System on a crash course with Earth fifty years before the series premieres. The primary defense system against the threat was a space-b...

6.90 6.67 413

During the Russo-Japanese War, in the middle of the 37th year of the Meiji Era (1904), the little Japanese army, in need of assistance, utilizes their unique flying ship, the Amanohara, courtesy to a ...

5.40 5.91 422

"Beyblade G-Revolution" is the third and final season of the original "Beyblade" anime series. The season picks up after Tyson, the protagonist, and his team, the Bladebreakers, have won the World Bey...

8.70 6.93 514

The Berenstain Bears is a 1980s cartoon adaptation of the beloved children's book series. The show centers around the Bear family, featuring Papa Bear, a carpenter who adores his family and often beli...

6.00 6.30 62

What a drag it is to spend an entire day on a stunning tropical island with friends, sipping coconut milkshakes. Bob, the New York City dog, unexpectedly finds himself stranded on this paradise island...

6.80 7.80 63

Nigel Marven, a naturalist who can travel across time, encounters and interacts with prehistoric life in Land of Giants and The Giant Claw. Marven uses direct observation to answer palaeontological pu...

7.70 337

There once was a writer by the name of Drosselmeyer who had the ability to bring his novels to life. However, he passed away before he could complete his last story, The Prince and the Raven, leaving ...

6.56 439

Wind: A Breath of Heart is an anime series based on a visual novel of the same name. It follows the story of a young high school student named Makoto Okano, who returns to his hometown of Kazune after...

5.96 284

After the events of the first TV series, Harlock is on a self-imposed exile, and his crew is either imprisoned or flying the Jolly Roger. In the series, Harlock returns and gathers the Arcadia crew fo...

7.60 7.33 303

Macross Zero tells the story of the last few weeks of the conflict between the U.N. Spacy and anti-U.N. forces, and it takes place one year before the Zentraedi arrive on Earth. Ace pilot Shin Kudo fi...

7.70 7.52 459

The human era is nearing its end in a post-apocalyptic world where an environmental catastrophe caused Yokohama to be flooded and Mt. Fuji to erupt. A little diner west of Yokohama is named after the ...

7.30 7.13 345

Takeshi Mura is a typical middle schooler who is afflicted with bad luck because his life is miserable on a daily basis due to events like his house burning down, him getting his hand in dung, being f...

5.80 5.98 334