Rumic World TV (2003) consists of thirteen independent series based on short stories from 1987-2000 by Takahashi Rumiko. The episode order is not sorted based on the year the story was written. For ex...

7.50 7.13 402

Dokkoida?! is an anime series based on the light novel "Sumeba Miyako no Cosmos-sou Suttoko Taisen Dokkoida" by Taro Achi. The story revolves around a regular guy named Suzuo Sakurazaki who ends up be...

7.40 6.81 416

The blooms blossom each year. A mysterious island with a crescent form covered in cherry blossoms. The island in question is Hatsune's island. Asakura Junnichi, the main character who attends Kazami A...

6.20 6.73 478

The story of Happy Lesson revolves around five teachers who find themselves sharing a home with a disturbed and uncaring orphan and their unusual plan to take on the role of mother figures to help him...

6.40 6.79 356

In the future, "inflation gates" that pass via a parallel reality are used for interstellar travel. Unfortunately, "ghouls," inhabitants of a different universe, wish to enter ours through the same po...

5.90 5.93 466

Gary "The Rat" Andrews is a self-centered, misanthropic defense attorney who awakens one morning to find that he has somehow transformed into a giant bipedal rat. Gary struggles to deal with his trans...

6.40 7.10 60

Stripperella possesses various superhuman abilities, including enhanced reflexes and senses, exceptional intelligence, superhuman strength, high jumping ability, martial arts skills, and the ability t...

5.60 60

As the new Champion, Ippo now must protect his title against some of the best boxers available....

8.02 244

The show is about a witty jester named Tenali Raman living in the town of Vijayanagara,the king Krishnadevaraya's best friend and the Rajguru and Tingary have plans to get Tenali put out of the palace...

6.40 6.80 57

The first episode of the series features the Black Hammer Gang, a group of criminals, stealing an artifact from a museum. After making their getaway, a young girl named Kim pursues them because she wa...

6.32 299

The Wachowski Brothers worked with animators at studios in Japan, Korea, and the US for more than three years to create The Animatrix. A  collection of nine animated short films with the same quality...

7.30 7.30 450