Kyuu is a typical young man with an aptitude for logic and thinking. He learns about the Dan Detective School (DDS), a renowned institution where students are permitted to carry weapons, after discove...

8.10 7.74 414

Fourteen years after his legendary battle against the immortal Himuro Genma and the nefarious Shogun of the Dark, Kibagami Jubei wanders the land of Japan as a masterless swordsman, seeking purpose in...

6.32 6.66 215

Boohbah is a television show designed for babies and toddlers, featuring five vibrant characters who communicate in their unique secret language. Through playful interactions, the show aims to teach y...

7.50 7.80 44

follows the exploits of the entire Rugrats crew. However, they are all adults today. The entire group has transformed, including Chuckie becoming a risk-taker and Angelica becoming friendlier. The gro...

5.40 300

A friendship develops between Hermes, a talking motorcycle, and Kino, a 15-year-old tourist. Together, despite not knowing what to anticipate, they travel across the globe and explore a variety of nat...

8.40 8.29 466

The plot centres around a young woman named Pacifica Casull, the sister of a set of twins born to the royal line of a kingdom called Leinwan, and takes place in what initially appears to be a fantasy ...

7.40 7.36 420

In Kino's Journey, the main character, Kino, travels through a mystical world of several nations and woodlands, each with its own own culture and populace. Kino is followed by a talking motorcycle nam...

8.40 8.29 475

In the country of Anatoray, fifteen-year-old sky couriers Claus Valca and Lavie Head fly their vanship as the focus of the narrative. Even though they typically accept relatively easy tasks, one day t...

7.90 7.80 403

The story of Dear Boys is about the will to succeed in a sport you love while also having a good time. the pressure of being the underdogs with only 5 players in the entire prefecture. How this team b...

6.40 6.81 517

Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles "Tails" Prower, and Amy Rose try to save Cream the Rabbit and her pet Chao Cheese from Doctor Eggman, the crazy scientist who has already taken the seven Chaos Emeralds, on a...

6.20 6.51 471

According to the storyline, Astro is a robotic boy with superhuman abilities and an AI system that is unmatched to any other robot.  For the purpose of replacing his late son Tovio, his creator Dr. ...

6.90 7.00 540

It is the year 2104 AD. The terrible war is over and peace seemed close in the world. However, there is one thing that can bring down this peace. That is the criminal organisation who's power and acti...

5.47 419