This is a list of episodes of the American animated television series The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, which was created by Maxwell Atoms, and which originally aired on Cartoon Network from Augus...

7.00 6.80 69

The protagonist of the series is Andy Larkin, a mischievous teen and the self-proclaimed "world's greatest prankster". The show follows him as he tries to perform incredibly well-thought-out and elabo...

6.00 6.50 65

Cubix was created by Cinepix and licensed by 4Kids Entertainment in North America. It aired for two seasons on Kids' WB! and later on FoxBox. In 2010, it was added to Toonzai/The CW4Kids block on The ...

6.00 97

Samurai Jack is the story of a young prince from feudal Japan, whose father used a magical sword to defeat and imprison the demon Aku. Eight years later, Aku escaped, took over the land, and captured ...

8.50 79

After a protracted absence, Orihara Kouhei returns to his hometown to fulfill the promises he made to several young ladies. He had trouble remembering things and had a horrible past. The environment a...

5.05 470

"Di Gi Charat Natsuyasumi Special" is a sequel to the original "Di Gi Charat" anime series, featuring the continued comedic adventures of the catgirl alien Dejiko, her sidekick Puchiko, and their floa...

6.60 483

The story takes place in a school where fights are graded rather than broken up. The narrative introduces Ryoko Mitsurugi, the current K-Fight Champion and self-described Samurai Girl from Daimon High...

5.50 5.95 344

The story takes place in a school where fights are graded rather than broken up. The narrative introduces Ryoko Mitsurugi, the current K-Fight Champion and self-described Samurai Girl from Daimon High...

5.60 5.94 375

The anime series Grappler Baki aired in Japan in 2001, followed by a second series, Grappler Baki Maximum Tournament. The story centers around Baki Hanma's quest to become the strongest grappler in th...

7.50 140

Confined in the castle tower by her father, princess Arete spends her days watching the world outside her window. Sometimes she seeks out to watch the common people at work. The knights of the kingdom...

5.34 6.78 163

Stubborn, spoiled, and naïve, 10-year-old Chihiro Ogino is less than pleased when she and her parents discover an abandoned amusement park on the way to their new house. Cautiously venturing inside, ...

8.60 8.77 258

One man. Five females. Single roof. Despite being a rehashed concept, it is timeless. An ancient genre is given a dynamic twist in Happy Lesson. Five women live with Chitose at his home. The contin...

6.50 6.61 442