Edgar & Ellen, based on Charles Ogden's book series, is a lively animated show featuring 12-year-old twins Edgar and Ellen. Their main mission is to play mischievous practical jokes on each other, the...

6.90 6.60 56

The Principality of Zeon has separated itself from the Earth Federation and begun a struggle of independence known as the One Year War in this alternate universe (Universal Century year 0079 according...

8.10 8.12 397

High school student Shungo Ninomiya shares a huge home with his older sister Ryko, a hired gun. Ryko one day sends the Tsukimura siblings Mayu and Mikihiro to live with them. Mayu wants to harness her...

6.30 6.67 424

Spunky moped rider Natsumi Tsujimoto, who is working as a patrolwoman for the Bokuto Police Department, is running late and tries to take a few shortcuts. However, Miyuki Kobayakawa, a mechanical geni...

7.10 7.20 564

"You're Under Arrest: Full Throttle" is the third season of the "You're Under Arrest" anime series, continuing the thrilling and comedic adventures of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Traffi...

7.10 7.20 334

The International Solarsystem Development Agency (ISDA) works on the "D-Project" in an effort to stop Earth from being destroyed by an asteroid after discovering a dragon egg under the sea. They quick...

6.10 6.61 460

Since a catastrophe caused Mari Wakatake to lose her home, her friends and family, along with her memories, she has been staying with her grandmother. Her grandmother enrolls her at Kaihou Academy so ...

6.20 6.70 508

Strange and inexplicable crimes are steadily happening in a forgotten town known as the former capital of Tokyo. These unexplainable unexplained occurrences terrorize and frighten the populace. Only o...

5.80 6.70 442

Until his former coworker manages to con him, Kaiji Itou is a lazy scoundrel who spends his days stealing hubcaps and sipping beer. Kaiji is presented with a dubious proposition to take part in an ill...

8.20 8.28 468

A group of young friends are set to say goodbye to one of their own in the serene small village of Sakuranomori. Sana Hidaka must relocate from his serene childhood home to the bustling metropolis of ...

6.60 7.13 427