The show centers on a trio of kung fu-trained chickens who live and work in a sprawling city-sized mall owned by their nemesis, Dr. Wasabi. Each chicken brings unique skills to the team, using their m...

4.10 376

Todd is the new student in Mrs. Jewls' 30th-floor class and is the main protagonist of the series.He feels like the only person in Wayside with any common sense. He originally transf erred to Wayside ...

7.60 7.20 44

In this adventure, Nobita wishes for a world where magic is the norm, using Doraemon's Moshimo-box. However, he struggles with spellcasting while everyone else thrives, leading him to want to revert t...

7.32 7.58 155

The Land Before Time is an animated television series inspired by the film series created by Judy Freudberg and Tony Geiss. It follows the ongoing adventures of Littlefoot and his friends—Cera, Spik...

6.50 6.70 62

Shaun, a mischievous sheep, often leads his flock into trouble, causing chaos in the valley. His antics constantly frustrate the sheepdog Bitzer, who tries to keep the Farmer from discovering their sh...

7.70 6.80 55

Mountain climbers Gorou Saruwatari and Jack "Lostman" Woodbridge have scaled some of the world's tallest peaks. They are inspired to travel to space after seeing the International Space Station from t...

7.10 7.16 454

What happens when two people deeply love each other but are not destined to be together? Takaki Toono and Akari Shinohara are childhood friends whose lives take separate paths due to circumstances bey...

7.33 7.57 155

The series chronicles the daily adventures of a 13-year-old Mexican superhero as he confronts bizarre enemies while also navigating the complexities of having a superhero father and a villain grandfat...

7.40 6.80 54

Based loosely on the book "Romance of the Three Kingdoms," modern-day Japan observes a similar struggle for dominance amongst many competing schools, with the three strongest being Ryuubi Gentoku from...

6.00 6.76 470

The setting of Strawberry Marshmallow, according to the manga, is Japan's Hamamatsu. As the characters engage in numerous customary seasonal activities, the seasons are significant to Strawberry Marsh...

7.68 463

if time did not let things to be commonplace. How might you have survived? The Bakumatsu and early Meiji periods are in effect. While Kusaka Touma and Akizuki Keiichirou are on opposing ends of the po...

7.70 7.47 520

Yukari Morita had no clue how far her search would lead her when she made the decision to go for her father, who had vanished in the South Seas. For a high school student to simply go to the Solomon I...

7.20 6.96 458