The story is based on the genuine street racing that takes place on Tokyo's Shuto Expressway, the longest and straightest road in the nation. One section of this expressway is known as the "Wangan," w...

7.30 7.47 437

In the program, Dante struggles to manage his demon-hunting company, "Devil May Cry," while constantly in debt. Additionally, two new characters were introduced: Patty Lowell, a young orphan girl he s...

7.00 6.95 566

There are two worlds, yet neither is aware of the other. One planet must perish for the other to survive and prosper. A Chosen One is sent to the perishing world to awaken the Spirits and transform in...

8.60 7.15 413

In the far future, a group known as Deava had to confront the so-called "Shadow Angels," beings that had lived for more than 12,000 years with the sole intent of eradicating humanity. Apollo, who appe...

6.30 7.05 414

By A.D. 2010, all men have died off quickly due to a dramatic change in the environment and an unknown contaminant. The population decreased to the lowest number ever seen…until only the women were ...

5.28 321

The animated series "Storm Hawks" takes place in a fictional world called Atmos, which is primarily mountainous with isolated landmasses known as terras. Beneath these terras lies the Wastelands, a pe...

6.90 6.10 103

Yuuko Okonogi relocates with her family to Daikoku City, the technical hub of the growing half-virtual world, eleven years after the launch of internet-connected, augmented reality eyewear and visors....

7.80 8.06 560

Superjail! is a prison located inside a volcano. The prison has its own reality where time and space are unpredictable. It houses over 70,000 inmates, according to Jared, although the creators say it ...

7.70 75

A perpetually drunken crow and his uncle, an alcoholic monkey, embark on a series of nautical adventures in this animated series adapted from the "Maakies" comic strip by Tony Millionaire....

6.10 7.80 65

In a futuristic but also Feudal world, it is known as the one who becomes No.1 will be the ruler of everything. On this dark world, Only the No.2 is allowed to fight the No.1. Our pratagonist, Afro Sa...

7.60 7.35 551

In Otomo City, where death haunts the night and where freedom and justice have withered to nothing, conspiracy controls the day. Death comes in the shape of the Skull Man, a real-life Grim Reaper whos...

6.70 6.61 332

The third installment of the pentalogy (comprising 3 movies and 2 OVAs) presents a retelling of Kenshiro's final battle with Raoh....

7.34 7.56 224