Eight of the ten potential idols from The Idolmaster are also disguised as students in Idolmaster: Xenoglossia, which reimagines them as fighter pilots of mecha. Immortal Defender of Legatee (IDOL) is...

4.80 6.48 439

After Mahou Shoujo Lyrical by ten years The remaining members of the crew, including Hayate, Fate, Nanoha A's, and Nanoha, are now employed full-time by the Time-Space Administration Bureau. Hayate is...

7.20 7.62 453

The television program takes place in a distant future where a small number of races or "tribes" with space travel ability rule. The giant "Heroic Tribe" was later punished by the Golden Tribe for wre...

7.10 7.53 458

Throughout My Bride Is a Mermaid, Nagasumi Michishio, a young teenage boy, plays a significant role. Nagasumi is saved from drowning by Sun Seto, a mermaid, one day while on vacation at the Seto Inlan...

7.20 7.69 399

The universe of Seven Knights Revolution: Eiyuu no Keishousha is one where brave heroes battled the powers of "Destruction" ages ago. The strength of these warriors was eventually absorbed by "success...

7.20 7.68 404

The events of Gurren Lagann take place in a future in which Lordgenome, the Spiral King, rules over Earth and imprisons people in remote underground settlements. These settlements are always under dan...

8.30 8.63 405

Hayate Ayasaki, an unfortunate 16-year-old, has had to work since he was a young child to make ends meet because of the careless actions of his parents. He learns on Christmas Eve that his parents hav...

6.90 7.53 462

Hayate Ayasaki, an unfortunate 16-year-old, has had to work since he was a young child to make ends meet because of the careless actions of his parents. He learns on Christmas Eve that his parents hav...

6.90 7.53 399

"Onegai My Melody Sukkiri" is the third season of the "Onegai My Melody" anime series, based on the Sanrio character My Melody. This season aired from April 2007 to March 2008. In the world of "One...

8.30 6.94 430

"Gegege no Kitarou (2007)" is the fifth anime adaptation of the classic Japanese manga series "Gegege no Kitarou," created by Shigeru Mizuki. The series aired from 2007 to 2009. The story revolves ...

6.90 6.87 413

The main characters in Hitohira are a group of freshmen in high school who either belong to the Drama Club or the considerably smaller Drama Research Society. The protagonist, Mugi Asai, a quiet young...

6.60 6.75 357

Dr. Akamashi, who is described as a scientist who used to work for the government, launches a coup in the Forland Kingdom at the beginning of the narrative. The dying monarch orders Alita, his daughte...

6.80 6.99 370