"Ghost Slayers Ayashi" (also known as "Tenpou Ibun Ayakashi Ayashi") is an anime series produced by Bones. The series is set in the Edo period of Japan and follows the story of a wandering vagabond na...

6.40 6.88 489

The anime takes place in a dystopic world, where the Cold War never ended for 140 years. As the result the world was split up into 2. The West and The East. As the Cold War continues, the tension beet...

6.40 6.22 522

The Bakumatsu era, when the Shogunate was nearing the end of its reign and conflict was looming, is the setting for the television series. The ornament on the end of Yojiro Akizuki's sword hilt waves ...

7.11 419

Yuichi Aizawa returns to this city after seven years. In his childhood, he often visited it, but something happend in the past which caused him to block out his memories of the events of seven years a...

7.50 7.96 402

Karada Iokawa, a young girl who will begin junior high school after the summer break, and Shko Nogami, a young lady who has just returned from studying abroad and who also happens to be the ex-girlfri...

6.90 7.04 470

In Skatoony, the quizblock features six colored squares: green, red, pink, purple, blue, and yellow. The children receive green, pink, and blue squares (sometimes purple, red, and yellow), while the c...

6.00 6.50 37

Amaumi Haruhiko is a high school student who lives in the city of Narasakicho and attends Shimano Academy. An unidentified rainbow that perpetually looms over Narasakicho is connected to the fulfillme...

5.60 6.59 457

The narrative takes place in the year 3567 in a hypothetical future. The entire Earth is encased in a paranormal barrier known as the Olynssis barrier, which distorts space and time. Gardeners, which ...

6.21 440

Beatrice". It is a mystical force that accompanies people's wishes and makes them all come true. The only institution that offers Beatrice's "magic appears in the actual world" course is Tokyo Beatric...

7.03 400

Yojiro Akizuki, a nomadic mercenary, roams all of Japan in the closing years of the Bakumatsu. In addition to using his sword as usual, he also utilizes it to detect supernatural artifacts that he cha...

7.00 7.11 544

High school student Koushi Inuzuka is intelligent and wants to work as a public defender. Unfortunately for our wonderful guy, he came from a family of martial artists, and his father only speaks viol...

6.80 6.86 425