The series is set in 2107, a year in which little conflicts erupt all around the world. A group of four individuals—Aoi Hidaka, Kurara Tachibana, Sakuya Kamon, and Johnny Bernet—are selected to op...

5.95 412

"Naruto: Shippuden" is the sequel to the original "Naruto" anime and covers the latter part of the "Naruto" manga series. The story picks up two and a half years after Naruto Uzumaki leaves Konoha, th...

8.70 8.24 1164

Three buddies that are also members of the D-Team are Max, Rex, and Zoe. They are only looking to have some fun and grow their friendship, but when they discover three fossil-shaped objects in the for...

5.60 6.29 534

Saiga is an average high school student who has a talent for math. When his family learns that his Father, a well-known archeologist and researcher who had gone missing while studying a site many year...

7.30 6.52 345

Yumehara Nozomi, an ordinary student, meets Coco and Nuts, two animals from the Palmier Kingdom, after discovering a mysterious book called the Dream Collet at the library. They beg Nozomi to rebuild ...

7.80 7.18 339

The girls at Ashford Academy have frank conversations in the bathroom and subsequently plan a festival where gender roles are reversed, which excites everyone but Lelouch Lamperouge. The pupils also g...

8.70 6.93 445

Quiet Tatsuma Hiyuu transfers to Magami Academy in Shinjuku during the spring of his senior year of high school. The mystery guy immediately befriends class troublemaker Kyouichi Houraiji thanks to hi...

6.20 7.08 376

We Are the Strange centers on two contrasting outcasts as they struggle for survival in a dark and twisted fantasy world. One of the outcasts is Blue, an abused woman grappling with a mysterious degen...

7.20 6.20 52

It was discovered after making contact with extraterrestrial civilizations that humans were the only race to create a variety of sports. The number of foreign sports fans increased significantly, and ...

6.26 429

The main character of Hidamari Sketch is a young girl named Yuno who, after much waiting, is finally accepted into Yamabuki Art High School. Yuno relocates and begins residing at the Hidamari Apartmen...

7.10 7.44 433

The top student at Momogaoka College of Music, the haughty, multilingual perfectionist Shinichi Chiaki has a hidden desire to become a conductor. He was raised in a musical household and is gifted on ...

8.20 8.28 424

Ten years in the future, a recap of the Shuffle universe is presented. The other worlds are open to Gods, Demons, and Humans visiting there without restriction, and love is in the air. Demons, Gods, a...

5.90 6.53 402