Following Inu no Taishou's death, his swords Tenseiga and Tessaiga were passed on to his sons, Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha respectively. However, there exists one more blade. During a visit to his friend...

7.78 7.80 313

"Moekan The Animation" also known as "Moekko Company" is an anime OVA (original video animation) series based on the visual novel "Moekan" by KeroQ. The series was released in 2003 and consists of thr...

5.46 400

Dinosaur Planet is a four-part animated series that follows the lives of four dinosaurs living in different parts of the prehistoric world. These dinosaurs include a female Velociraptor in Asia, a you...

7.90 6.70 55

It is the year 1928 AD and t he location is in New York, USA. The end of the Great War brought about a period of economic success, but along with it came an increase in the presence of something far d...

7.10 7.63 446

Corneil is a brilliant canine who can read and write in perfect English, far surpassing most humans in intelligence. Aware that life as a spoiled pet is preferable, he does everything possible to keep...

6.60 322

These adventures center on Sabrina as she trains at a witchcraft academy and include the rival character Cassandra (also known as 'Portia' from "Friends Forever"). ...

7.10 6.60 58

The Maruhage Empire and its ruthless ruler Tsuru Tsurulina IV govern the whole world in the year 3000. His Hair Hunt troop shaves the heads of innocent onlookers and steals their hair, leaving the vic...

7.00 7.48 381

The conflict between two opposing powers serves as the setting for Gilgamesh. The Countess of Werdenberg and her three Orga-Superior children are on one side, and the Gilgamesh, led by Terumichi Madok...

6.70 6.64 351

12-year-old Cleo's knowledge of Ancient Egypt is turned on its head when a bolt of lightning awakens the mummified body of child Pharaoh Tut-ankh-en-set-amun on display in a local museum. Together wit...

7.20 6.40 39

The Xiaolin Monks, Omi, Kimiko, Raimundo, and Clay, are chosen to become Xiaolin Dragons. They must work together to find Shen Gong Wu and defeat Jack Spicer, an evil boy genius, and Wuya, a Heylin gh...

7.40 89

In 2000, author and creator Kou Yaginuma published his first book, "2015:Fireworks" (2015, "2015 Nen no Uchiage Hanabi"), which served as the foundation for the backstory of Twin Spica. Yaginuma creat...

7.00 7.36 436

Midgar, an all-girls academy, became well-known because Yuu Mononobe was the only male student it had ever admitted. Midgar is renowned for much more than that, though, since it is a school exclusivel...