Every character in Maburaho can utilize magic, although not all characters' magical abilities are equal. Each character in the tale possesses magic to varying degrees and is limited in the amount of t...

6.50 6.75 330

Ai Yori Aoshi Enishi begins two years after Kaoru and Aoi's reunion in the original series. E Everything changed when Kaoru fled the Hanabishi family and their relentless physical assault. The two had...

7.13 460

As a result of a childhood accident that put his life in danger, Shiki Tohno was taken from his family and placed to a relative to raise him. Shiki's father, the head of the Tohno home, passes away ye...

6.90 6.84 556

Gunslinger Girl is a television series that is set in Italy and centers on the activities of the Social Welfare Agency, a purportedly philanthropic organization supported by the Italian government. Al...

7.30 7.40 455

Christopher Smith / Peacemaker is compelled to join the enigmatic A.R.G.U.S. black ops team "Project Butterfly" after healing from the wounds he sustained during the events of The Suicide Squad (2021)...

6.40 7.31 317

Thirteen years after Brandon Heat is slain by his best friend Harry MacDowell in a betrayal, Gungrave debuts. Through the process of necrolyzation, he is reincarnated as Beyond The Grave, and he sets ...

7.90 7.84 320

While chasing the culprit Zoda, police detective Rick Wheeler was killed in an automobile accident. He spent 150 years in an artificial cold slumber. Jody Summer and Dr. Stewart revive Wheeler on beha...

7.00 6.47 468

"Ocha-ken: Chokotto Monogatari" is a slice-of-life anime series that first aired in 2003. It's part of the "Ocha-ken" franchise which revolves around a group of tea puppies - characters that are a mix...

6.24 384

"Chokotto Monogatari" is a heartwarming and comedic anime series that tells the story of a group of adorable and mischievous animal characters as they navigate their daily lives. The series combines e...

6.25 234

The boy Pinon, who carries the blood of the three races—dragons, fairies, and humans—within his body, is actually Pietro, the Courageous One's son. An exciting voyage begins when Pinon has a chanc...

7.20 6.83 341

An ancient legend claims that consuming mermaid flesh grants immortality. Yuta, unknowingly, ate a piece of mermaid flesh centuries ago, leading him on a quest to find a mermaid and reverse the curse....

7.30 6.77 96

When the deep space salvage freighter Corona comes across a distress signal while on a mission, it responds to it. They discover a cemetery of spacecraft circling a massive space station. Heintz and M...

7.30 7.03 318