The show follows the exploits of Ryu and Ken, two young martial artists who, after suffering a severe loss at Guile's hands, set out to develop their abilities. Other Street Fighter characters they me...

7.50 7.05 398

Maxx, a homeless man in New York City, dreams of fighting villains. He finds himself transported to the vibrant Outback, where he becomes a heroic figure. His friend Julie believes Maxx's adventures a...

6.70 7.90 50

Isami Hanaoka is a fifth-grader who also happens to be a Shinsengumi ancestor. She finds unusual items left by their ancestors in the basement of her home, along with classmates and other descendants ...

7.80 7.34 405

Max Goof, who is 14 years old and the only child of Goofy, and he have a strained relationship because Max worries about becoming like his father. On the last day of classes before summer break, Max, ...

6.90 329

In search of nutrition, two caterpillars explore items on a kitchen counter. One of them discovers a bit of pasta and is curious about the hole in the center. Along until a large, vicious caterpillar...

8.20 6.16 272

The Lord of Nightmares, who fashioned at least four parallel worlds, is the supreme deity in the Slayers universe. The Lord of Nightmares' quest to reclaim its "true form," which can only be accomplis...

7.50 7.73 279

At each of the five Earth-Moon Lagrange points, clusters of space colonies have been established by mankind in the distant future. The United Earth Sphere Alliance is made up of the countries that are...

8.00 7.70 440

The Space-Time Transmitting Machine Kirinda is used by the Eto Rangers to restore the Novel Worlds of Mugen. The 12 Chinese zodiac animals that make up the Eto Rangers are anthropomorphic animals (and...

7.08 500

The Inaho Junior High Ping-Pong Club's new manager, Kyoko Iwashita, perk them up with something they can't refuse—a "sex pass," a coupon that gives the team's top player unrestricted access to her b...

7.60 7.54 439

As part of the newspaper club, Momoko Hanasaki, along with her companions Yuri Tanima and Hinagiku Tamano, primarily covers the school's soccer squad. They all have a crush on the star player Kazuya Y...

6.30 6.72 358

The middle-school students Miaka Yuki and Yui Hongo's various struggles are chronicled in the series. One day Miaka and Yui are browsing the library when they come across a peculiar book called The Un...

7.80 7.62 711

In this tale, the world we inhabit is referred to as Earthside. Other worlds exist and go by the names Nosfertia, Heavenstia, and Eternalia. Three Animanoids (beast-humans) were sent by Heavenstia to ...

7.50 6.32 318