"Bakuen Campus Guardress" also known as "Combustible Campus Guardress" is an anime OVA series from 1994 that combines action, comedy, and fantasy elements. The story was created by the same team res...

7.50 5.95 423

In the fictional Cosplay City, one hundred years have passed since the events of the original Cutie Honey television series from 1973. Mayor Light, Raito shich (voiced by Sho Hayami in the Japanese ve...

7.00 6.64 393

The Ferals are an eclectic group of animals that live together in a backyard shed. There's a rat called Rattus, a feral cat called Modigliana, a rabbit called Mixy, and a feral dog called Derryn. The ...

6.60 7.60 53

Following the fall of the Sacred Galaxy Empire, the warlords engage in a conflict over who will rule the Milky Way Galaxy. Rai Ryuga, a brave young warrior, emerges from the pandemonium. To his enemie...

7.90 7.88 347

Prior to the day her stepmother, Queen Christelle, finally displayed her true self and expressed her desire to kill the young princess, Snow White was a very contented princess. In the woods after esc...

7.30 6.67 407

Adeu is a young man whose life is guided by the "Ethos of Chivalry," as told by Ry Knight (a code of conduct similar to the Knightly Virtues). He is searching for the Earth's Blade, a massive weapon t...

7.60 6.64 344

Future "Metal Fight" competitions will be the most watched broadcast sport in the entire world, with a large number of robot entrants vying for the title of Best Metal Fighter in the World. Kurenai Ke...

6.00 7.08 407

Boston, 1930: Professor Alfred Jones and Montana Jones, a relative, search the globe for missing artifacts in order to bring them to museums. Professor Gerrit, Alfred's tutor, assists them by providin...

7.80 6.80 425

"Future GPX Cyber Formula Zero" is the third OVA sequel to the "Future GPX Cyber Formula" anime television series. This series, which aired from 1994 to 1995, continues the saga of the advanced AI-con...

7.40 7.42 441

Mobile Fighter G Gundam is set in a different "Future Century" timeframe than previous Gundam series, which are set in the "Universal Century." In this era, most people have left the destroyed Earth a...

7.50 7.56 465

A continuation of the events from Final Fantasy V. 200 years after Bartz and his friends saved two worlds from the threat of ExDeath, a threat arises and seeks to take the Crystals for itself. Linaly,...

6.00 6.10 455

This season makes a turning point in the Sailor Moon story. The Sailor Senshi are confronted by a new enemy, the Death Busters. Rei had a premonition that this enemy would rule the world in an era cal...

7.60 7.87 491