"Onikirimaru" or "Ogre Slayer" is a supernatural horror anime OVA series based on the manga by Kei Kusunoki. The series was released from 1994 to 1995. The series follows the protagonist, known o...

6.90 6.20 348

Look! It's a bird, it's a plane, or is it Super Pig up there? Karin, a junior in high school, came across what she initially believed to be an injured piglet one fateful day. The piglet, though, was ...

6.70 6.68 461

Industrialist Carl Ziktor's virtual alter-ego Grimlord worked on the creation of an army made of warrior robots. And, before he became missing for two years, Ryan Steel's father worked with Professor ...

7.30 7.20 49

Ayaka Kisaragi is a stunning woman who comes from a long line of exorcists in Japan. She nevertheless founded Phantom Quest Corp. after growing weary of their customs. The company is headquartered in ...

6.30 6.49 394

In January 2040, three decades after the end of the Great War between Humans and Zentradi, the United Nations administration is conducting testing on the colony planet Eden to discover new technology ...

7.80 7.71 405

Set during the Inter High Championships, Shohoku take on Tsukubu, one of this year's dark horses. It's a clash of acquaintances as Anzai will face his former student which is now the coach of Tsukubu,...

7.45 7.51 229

Roughly-drawn but well-written cult cartoon about alien invasion. Small aliens on Earth, needing human receptacles, expand their hosts' craniums to ludicrous dimensions to use as living quarters. One ...

6.90 7.00 53

Adeu is a young man whose life is guided by the "Ethos of Chivalry," as told by Ry Knight (a code of conduct similar to the Knightly Virtues). He is searching for the Earth's Blade, a massive weapon t...

6.21 435

Neo Pro-Wrestling, a style of wrestling that permits armour and other improvements, is gaining popularity quickly in the year 2061 AD. A young, impulsive girl named Miku is about to join her friends t...

7.00 6.21 440

Beginning with her older brother Gren, a seasoned bounty hunter, and his companion Bob, who work for Ghomvak Security along with a slightly loutish hunter named Fujikuro, the novel introduces Iria as ...

7.10 7.07 406

Earth has thrown off its axis and starts rotating at a 90-degree angle to the equator of the 20th century in 2099. Natural disasters continue for three years, and when things finally calm down, only t...

6.50 6.19 460

The Chipmunks finish making invitations to send to their relatives and then leave to audition for the town play Pilgrims Adventures in a New Land. Alvin tries for the role of the Lead, while Simon tri...

6.08 233