Tar-chan, a young man who was reared in the African savanna by the chimpanzee Etekichi, is the subject of the television series, which follows his exploits in defending his home, his wife Jane, and hi...

7.50 6.98 452

Fortune Quest is the tale of a bunch of adventurers. Imagine your classic D&D party—Fighter, Thief, Bard, Mage, Healer …and Porter? Okay, don’t know where the Porter comes from, but Pastel and h...

6.21 478

Under the master's terrible rule, the Youma (demons) menace reappears in 2058. The last hope for humanity to halt the wicked scourge before it swallows all of Megalocity is a new generation of Borgman...

5.67 455

Tsukasa, Yoji, and Eiji are friends and members of the motorcycle gang called the Paradise Butterflies. Riding the streets of Hiroshima, their goal in life is to top all other gangs in their city. ...

6.45 484

The story revolves around three bike-riding Penguins that inhabit Big City, uniting to protect it and its citizens from the evil Caractacus P. Doom, an insane and reclusive criminal scientist. The Pen...

7.80 7.30 54

The popular cult horror comic books from the 1950's are adapted in this modern cartoon anthology series. ...

6.30 6.10 51

On the planet Mars, there existed a race of anthropomorphic mice who enjoyed motorsports and had a very similar culture and society to that of human beings. At some point in time they were all but wip...

8.00 7.10 55

The series followed the exploits of Jack Tenrec and his crew of ecological freedom fighters known as the "Mechanics". His often-reluctant companion is the foreign ambassador Hannah Dundee. She hires J...

6.00 6.80 60

The series is set between 2119 and 2121 AD, several decades after humanity ("Terrans") has expanded beyond Earth by terraforming and colonizing Venus and Mars. These three planets, known as "the Homew...

6.00 6.90 32

An updated version of the 1990s animated series featuring a trio of wacky characters causing mayhem on the Warner Bros. studio lot. ...

7.90 297

The show follows the Lee brothers, who were separated at birth. Billy is raised by an elderly martial arts master known as the Oldest Dragon, while his brother Jimmy is brought up by the evil Shadow M...

7.50 7.70 50

The legend of a young boy Jim Hawkins who sets on a voyage to find a hidden treasure. ...

7.50 6.60 57