Sonic the Hedgehog, a cocky, cheeky, but good-hearted teenage hedgehog with the ability to move at supersonic speeds, is the star of the comedic, lighthearted, and gag-driven adventure series Adventur...

6.20 374

The show centers on the exploits of two unidentified dogs, neither of whom are particularly intellectual, as implied by the title. Compared to the Little Dog, the Big Dog tends to talk a lot less. The...

7.20 333

A new take on the classic Secret Squirrel series, this incarnation takes Secret and Morocco Mole through a series of adventures fighting villains, ranging from a Queen Bee to a Quark. Secret and Moroc...

8.00 6.30 52

Bonkers, an out of work cartoon, joins the Hollywood PD and helps his partners (first a doughnut munching stressbomb, then a beautiful blonde) catch cartoon criminals....

6.20 7.60 29

When genius robot technician Ziv "ZZ" Zulander discovers that his employers (RM Corps) have designs on world domination, he quits and tries to warn people about them. Branded an outlaw by their powerf...

6.30 7.20 49

In the not too distant future, the Japanese Self-Defense Force makes the decision to hand over control (and funding) of their air force to business entities and investors. Most people dismiss the idea...

7.40 5.76 423

Mankind's only hope is Casshan, a legendary warrior who fights a single war to destroy the Neoroids and put the Earth back in its proper order. He was enslaved by the The Neoroids, which is an army of...

6.70 6.33 504

Legendary fighter Terry Bogard, after overcoming Geese Howard, goes up against German warrior Wolfgang Krauser, but loses in an embarrassing manner. Terry, who is grieving his loss, tours the nation, ...

6.50 6.71 466

It is revealed to Goku that Raditz is his long-lost older brother and that both of them are members of the Saiyans, an almost extinct alien warrior race. Raditz travels to Earth on a spacecraft. Goku ...

6.80 6.74 449

The series follows the quirky adventures of the Binsford family's dog, serving as a spin-off from an episode of "Amazing Stories." ...

7.30 7.20 60

The utopian city of Zalem dominates the horizon as it soars high in the sky. It has a foul underbelly known as The Scrapyard beneath it, where the city stores all of its trash. Humans and cyborgs are ...

7.20 7.07 332

The amnesiac female cyborg Alita is the subject of the anime Battle Angel Alita. Cybermedical expert Daisuke Ido discovers her intact head and chest in the neighborhood garbage dump. After reviving he...

7.02 7.08 411